Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A thought on Member Treatment

If I could chose one thing that I dislike about Cybernations Politics, or one thing that I wish I could impress upon other leaders, it would be the treatment of their members. Now, for some, member treatment isn't a problem. These alliances generally flourish, or stick together in the hard times. These are the alliances that grow. But other leaders, ones that play favorites, manipulate their Government, and use their members as a militia for their own wants are, in my opinion, people who should have never taken a leadership position in the first place.

I privately talked with a member who had been sent into a protectorate by his leader a few weeks ago under the guise of, "You can help lead." When confronted, the leader explained, "I just don't want you here anymore." I do not understand how people can act like this, and still have followers. Maybe people just don't talk like I think they do. This same person threatened to fire his second in command when he disagreed. I could never imagine acting in such a manner. In my opinion, every member is important, and must be treated as a one friend treats another, or as a mother treats a child. It is the responsibility of the leader to see that their members grow and learn. Any person that is not willing to see such a responsibility through should never take responsibilities on.

However, there also comes the responsibilites of the member. I don't understand why some members stay around in situations like those above. As the aformentioned player, I would have told my former leader to screw, and left to find a new alliance conveniently not affiliated with my previous. If I was ever shown blatant disrespect and complete apathy by my alliance leader, I don't understand how I would find the resolve to stay and contribute. Maybe that's simply just me. However, I believe that when alliance leaders truly show care for their member's actions, that's when activity and productivity maintains itself.

This leader, mentioned above, has ruled for over two years now. He's not a top player, but he is fairly known. And his alliance numbers have stagnated for almost a year now. Member discord is at an all time high. And still, he sits on his throne and barks orders that he feels are in his best interest. I would love to ask him what happened to the best interests of your people, but I'm sure that would be simply disregarded, and someone from his alliance would conveniently 'accidentally' nuke rogue me. But still, he has followers, and not exactly few of them. What type of person does it take to bend over and take such abuse and lack of care from a leader? Or even better, what type of leader does it take to treat their followers like tadpoles in the Erie Great Lake? If I ever did such a thing, I'd hope someone with more worth would coup me and throw me to the bottom of a pit filled with prussic acid.

Maybe dictatorship just isn't my style.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Day in the Life of a Target Worker.

As a Target Electronics Worker, I am charged with making everyone's experience fast, fun, and friendly while they look for their new Television, Camera, or random Video Game. While I twist my face into a smile, random shoppers in cowboy hats and short shorts open boxes, rip apart game cartridges, and ask me if their new converter boxes can pick up their neighbors cable. While everyone knows that Retail is about as fun as the lowest levels of Hell, I think Target, excluding Wal-Mart, might take the cake for the worst.

First of all, to the guests: No, I do not understand your cable set up when you say, "I have those rabbit ears with those cables, and I need more cables." Second, no, our Target TV channel is not on cable, and we cannot change the channel to put on the sports game. Third, yes, I am a female working in electronics, and no, I am not the 'token cashier'. I am actually one of the most knowledgeable workers that you will find in my store, and if you ask the boys, they will most likely ask me anyway. Fourth, no, we do not match prices with Wal-Mart. Deal with it. Fifth, if we carried everything on our website, we'd need a store the size of Delaware. It's online, and our website will not steal your credit card. I don't care how paranoid you are. And last, but not least, I don't care if you want to act all snooty and tell me you'll go to Best Buy instead. I will gladly write you directions so you can cause them problems instead of me.

The best thing about Target has to be the workers. Your store manager will likely be a man that could care less if you got struck by lightning tomorrow, but if you pull in enough sales, he might say hello. The Team Leaders are all out to kiss ass and become an Executive, so they'll be nice to you, as long as an Exec isn't around. Your coworkers are as apathetic as you are, and will probably answer the phone in a different indian accent every time someone calls. When it comes down to it, your coworkers are what keeps you going. Every time they bounce a kid's ball through the ceiling tiles, it gives you another week that you feel you can hang on. And every time that woman with the huge purse accidentally discharges your fire extinguisher, it makes you laugh just a little more as your lungs fill with the yellow dust.

So come on down to Target, and we'll ask you through our fake, plastered smiles, "Can I help you find something?"